Partenaires – Conseil Francophone de la Chanson
Strict Standards: Declaration of Doctrine_Db_Statement::execute() should be compatible with that of PDOStatement::execute() in /home/cfc/lib/symfony/util/sfCore.class.php on line 161 Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property Doctrine_Query::$components has no effect in /home/cfc/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/doctrine/Doctrine/Query.php on line 1299
Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property Doctrine_Query::$components has no effect in /home/cfc/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/doctrine/Doctrine/Query.php on line 1299 Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property Doctrine_Query::$components has no effect in /home/cfc/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/doctrine/Doctrine/Query.php on line 1299
Radio CFC
- Coffret FRANCOPHONIE 2009
- Coffret FRANCOPHONIE 2008
- Coffret FRANCOPHONIE 2007
- Nouveautés
- Musique d’Afrique Centrale
- Hommage à Christophe MATATA
Dernières nouvelles
23/02 L’A.I.E.C.F. prend le relais du Conseil francophone de la chanson »
03/09 Le Conseil francophone de la chanson met fin à ses activités ! »
23/04 Blog : Afrique et musique numérique »
20/03 Afrique et musique numérique »
05/02 Bilan de 28 ans du Conseil francophone de la chanson »
25/01 Un blog sur Afrique et musique numérique »
25/01 Babel Med fête ses 10 ans en 2014 ! »
25/01 Ecrire-pour-le-web : Isabelle-Dutailly »
22/10 Afrique et numérique…. en ouverture du SIMA/KOLATIER »
Le Conseil francophone de la chanson est soutenu financièrement par:
- Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du gouvernement du Québec:
- Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie:
- Ministère des Relations internationales du gouvernement du Québec:
- Commissariat général aux relations internationales de la Communauté française de Belgique:
- Ministère de la Communauté Française de Belgique:
© Conseil francophone de la chanson
397 boulevard des Prairies, local 417 _ Laval (Québec) Canada H7N 2W6
T : +450 973 7675 _ F : +450 973 6672
- 1.0.0-beta3
- vars & config
- logs & msgs
- 3
- 5537.9 KB
- 41 ms
Log and debug messages
type | message | |
Context | initialization | |
Controller | initialization | |
Routing | match route [default_symfony] "/:sf_culture/:module/:action/*" | |
Request | request parameters array ( ‘sf_culture’ => ‘fr_FR’, ‘module’ => ‘cfc’, ‘action’ => ‘page’, ‘texte’ => ‘partenaires’,) | |
Controller | dispatch request | |
Filter | executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" | |
Filter | executing filter "sfWebDebugFilter" | |
Filter | executing filter "langFilter" | |
Filter | executing filter "sfCommonFilter" | |
10 | Filter | executing filter "sfFlashFilter" |
11 | Filter | executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" |
12 | Doctrine Prepare | executeQuery : SELECT p.page_id AS p__page_id, p.page_title_en AS p__page_title_en, p.page_title_fr AS p__page_title_fr, p.page_intro_fr AS p__page_intro_fr, p.page_intro_en AS p__page_intro_en, p.page_body_fr AS p__page_body_fr, p.page_body_en AS p__page_body_en, p.page_prol AS p__page_prol, p.page_ressources_categ_id AS p__page_ressources_categ_id FROM pages p WHERE page_prol = ? |
13 | Action | call "cfcActions->executePage()" |
14 | View | initialize view for "cfc/page" |
15 | View | render "sf_app_dir/modules/cfc/templates/pageSuccess.php" |
16 | PartialHelper | call "home->executeBlocallnews()" |
17 | Doctrine Prepare | executeQuery : SELECT AS n__id, n.published AS n__published, n.news_date AS n__news_date, n.title AS n__title, n.subtitle AS n__subtitle, n.body AS n__body, n.image AS n__image, n.ln AS n__ln, n.type AS n__type, n.linktitle AS n__linktitle, AS n__link, n.homepage AS n__homepage, n.date_from AS n__date_from, n.date_to AS n__date_to FROM news n WHERE published = ? ORDER BY date_from DESC LIMIT 10 |
18 | View | initialize view for "home/_blocallnews" |
19 | View | render "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_blocallnews.php" |
20 | PartialHelper | call "player->executeBlocplayer()" |
21 | Doctrine Prepare | executeQuery : SELECT AS c__id, c.channel_order AS c__channel_order, c.is_published AS c__is_published, c.nom_fr AS c__nom_fr, c.nom_en AS c__nom_en FROM channels c WHERE is_published = ? ORDER BY channel_order ASC |
22 | View | initialize view for "player/_blocplayer" |
23 | View | render "sf_app_dir/modules/player/templates/_blocplayer.php" |
24 | View | decorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php" |
25 | View | render "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php" |
Configuration and request variables
- debug
- xdebug
- logging
- cache
- eaccelerator
- apc
- xcache
- compression
- syck
---parameterHolder: symfony/default: action: page module: cfc sf_culture: fr_FR texte: partenairesattributeHolder: symfony/default:
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---cookie: symfony: uor1648md5r04gqcce66hf3hn3env: files: get: post: server: DOCUMENT_ROOT: /home/cfc/web GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1 HTTP_CONNECTION: close HTTP_COOKIE: symfony=uor1648md5r04gqcce66hf3hn3; HTTP_FROM: HTTP_HOST: HTTP_USER_AGENT: ia_archiver HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR: HTTP_X_REAL_IP: PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin PATH_INFO: /fr_FR/cfc/page/texte/partenaires PATH_TRANSLATED: > redirect:/index.php/cfc/page/texte/partenaires PHP_SELF: > /site_dev.php/fr_FR/cfc/page/texte/partenaires QUERY_STRING: REMOTE_ADDR: REMOTE_PORT: 33497 REQUEST_METHOD: GET REQUEST_TIME: 1425778682 REQUEST_URI: > /site_dev.php/fr_FR/cfc/page/texte/partenaires SCRIPT_FILENAME: /home/cfc/web/site_dev.php SCRIPT_NAME: /site_dev.php SERVER_ADDR: SERVER_ADMIN: SERVER_NAME: SERVER_PORT: 80 SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.0 SERVER_SIGNATURE: | <address>Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80</address> SERVER_SOFTWARE: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)session: symfony/user/sfUser/attributes: symfony/user/sfUser/attributes: dblang: fr symfony/user/sfUser/authenticated: symfony/user/sfUser/credentials: symfony/user/sfUser/culture: fr_FR symfony/user/sfUser/lastRequest: 1425778677
---php: 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.28os: > Linux silver 2.6.32-40-server #87-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 6 02:10:02 UTC 2012 x86_64extensions: - Core - date - ereg - libxml - openssl - pcre - zlib - bcmath - bz2 - calendar - ctype - dba - dom - hash - fileinfo - filter - ftp - gettext - session - iconv - json - mbstring - SPL - apc - posix - Reflection - standard - shmop - SimpleXML - soap - sockets - exif - sysvmsg - sysvsem - sysvshm - tokenizer - wddx - xml - xmlreader - xmlwriter - zip - apache2handler - Phar - curl - gd - imagick - mcrypt - memcache - mysql - mysqli - PDO - pdo_mysql - mhash
SQL queries
- SELECT p.page_id AS p__page_id, p.page_title_en AS p__page_title_en, p.page_title_fr AS p__page_title_fr, p.page_intro_fr AS p__page_intro_fr, p.page_intro_en AS p__page_intro_en, p.page_body_fr AS p__page_body_fr, p.page_body_en AS p__page_body_en, p.page_prol AS p__page_prol, p.page_ressources_categ_id AS p__page_ressources_categ_id FROM pages p WHERE page_prol = ?
- SELECT AS n__id, n.published AS n__published, n.news_date AS n__news_date, n.title AS n__title, n.subtitle AS n__subtitle, n.body AS n__body, n.image AS n__image, n.ln AS n__ln, n.type AS n__type, n.linktitle AS n__linktitle, AS n__link, n.homepage AS n__homepage, n.date_from AS n__date_from, n.date_to AS n__date_to FROM news n WHERE published = ? ORDER BY date_from DESC LIMIT 10
- SELECT AS c__id, c.channel_order AS c__channel_order, c.is_published AS c__is_published, c.nom_fr AS c__nom_fr, c.nom_en AS c__nom_en FROM channels c WHERE is_published = ? ORDER BY channel_order ASC
type | calls | time (ms) |
Configuration | 15 | 2.06 |
Action "cfc/page" | 4.27 | |
Database (Doctrine) | 0.01 | |
View "Success" for "cfc/page" | 17.22 | |
Component "home/blocallnews" | 3.42 | |
Partial "home/_blocallnews" | 8.39 | |
Component "player/blocplayer" | 2.01 | |
Partial "player/_blocplayer" | 1.01 |