mercredi, janvier 15, 2025
Kamerhiphop…un site pour les musiques urbaines – Nouvelles – Conseil Francophone de la Chanson

Kamerhiphop…un site pour les musiques urbaines – Nouvelles – Conseil Francophone de la Chanson

Strict Standards: Declaration of Doctrine_Db_Statement::execute() should be compatible with that of PDOStatement::execute() in /home/cfc/lib/symfony/util/sfCore.class.php on line 161 Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property Doctrine_Query::$components has no effect in /home/cfc/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/doctrine/Doctrine/Query.php on line 1299

Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property Doctrine_Query::$components has no effect in /home/cfc/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/doctrine/Doctrine/Query.php on line 1299

Dernière production 


Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property Doctrine_Query::$components has no effect in /home/cfc/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/doctrine/Doctrine/Query.php on line 1299

Dernières nouvelles 

11/04 Prochain BUSARA Festival du 13 au 16 Fevrier 2014 »


19/03 La chanson française à l’étranger (en français) : succès et enjeux" »


30/06 Kamerhiphop…un site pour les musiques urbaines  »


21/02 Création d’une TV des Grands Lacs sur Internet »


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Kamerhiphop…un site pour les musiques urbaines

30 juin 2011


Site dédié aux musiques urbaines avec un volet particulier consacré à l’Afrique "AFRIK".


Toutes les news »

© Conseil francophone de la chanson

397 boulevard des Prairies, local 417 _ Laval (Québec) Canada H7N 2W6

T : +450 973 7675 _ F : +450 973 6672

  • 1.0.0-beta3
  • vars & config
  • logs & msgs
  • 3
  • 5360.7 KB
  • 29 ms

Log and debug messages

type message
 Context initialization
 Controller initialization
 Routing match route [default_symfony] "/:sf_culture/:module/:action/*"
 Request request parameters array ( ‘sf_culture’ => ‘fr_FR’, ‘module’ => ‘news’, ‘action’ => ‘detail’, ‘id’ => ‘222’,)
 Controller dispatch request
 Filter executing filter "sfRenderingFilter"
 Filter executing filter "sfWebDebugFilter"
 Filter executing filter "langFilter"
 Filter executing filter "sfCommonFilter"
10  Filter executing filter "sfFlashFilter"
11  Filter executing filter "sfExecutionFilter"
12  Action call "newsActions->executeDetail()"
13  Doctrine Prepare executeQuery : SELECT AS n__id, n.published AS n__published, n.news_date AS n__news_date, n.title AS n__title, n.subtitle AS n__subtitle, n.body AS n__body, n.image AS n__image, n.ln AS n__ln, n.type AS n__type, n.linktitle AS n__linktitle, AS n__link, n.homepage AS n__homepage, n.date_from AS n__date_from, n.date_to AS n__date_to FROM news n WHERE id = ?
14  View initialize view for "news/detail"
15  View render "sf_app_dir/modules/news/templates/detailSuccess.php"
16  PartialHelper call "home->executeLastprod()"
17  Doctrine Prepare executeQuery : SELECT a.album_id AS a__album_id, a.album_nom AS a__album_nom, a.album_lastprod AS a__album_lastprod, a.album_compil_cfc AS a__album_compil_cfc, a.album_producteur_id AS a__album_producteur_id, a.album_support_type AS a__album_support_type, a.album_label AS a__album_label, a.album_date_sortie AS a__album_date_sortie, a.album_introduction_fr AS a__album_introduction_fr, a.album_introduction_en AS a__album_introduction_en, a.album_description_fr AS a__album_description_fr, a.album_description_en AS a__album_description_en, a.album_cover_image AS a__album_cover_image, a.album_video_link AS a__album_video_link FROM albums a WHERE (album_compil_cfc = ? AND album_lastprod = ?) ORDER BY album_date_sortie DESC LIMIT 1
18  View initialize view for "home/_lastprod"
19  View render "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_lastprod.php"
20  PartialHelper call "home->executeBlocnews()"
21  Doctrine Prepare executeQuery : SELECT AS n__id, n.published AS n__published, n.news_date AS n__news_date, n.title AS n__title, n.subtitle AS n__subtitle, n.body AS n__body, n.image AS n__image, n.ln AS n__ln, n.type AS n__type, n.linktitle AS n__linktitle, AS n__link, n.homepage AS n__homepage, n.date_from AS n__date_from, n.date_to AS n__date_to FROM news n WHERE (published = ? AND homepage = ?) ORDER BY date_from DESC LIMIT 5
22  View initialize view for "home/_blocnews"
23  View render "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_blocnews.php"
24  View decorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php"
25  View render "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php"

Configuration and request variables

  • debug
  • xdebug
  • logging
  • cache
  • eaccelerator
  • apc
  • xcache
  • compression
  • syck


---parameterHolder:   symfony/default:     action: detail    id: 222    module: news    sf_culture: fr_FRattributeHolder:   symfony/default: 


---cookies: httpHeaders:   Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8parameterHolder:   helper/asset/auto/httpmeta:     Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8  helper/asset/auto/javascript:     /sf/sf_web_debug/js/main: /sf/sf_web_debug/js/main    lib: lib    swfobject: swfobject  helper/asset/auto/meta:     description: cfc    keywords: conseil, francophone, chanson    language: en    robots: index, follow    title: >      Kamerhiphop...un site pour les musiques      urbaines  - Nouvelles - Conseil      Francophone de la Chanson  helper/asset/auto/stylesheet:     /sf/sf_web_debug/css/main:     fonts:     layout:     reset:     style:   symfony/response/http/headers:     Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8  symfony/view/asset:     javascripts_included: 1    stylesheets_included: 1


---mod_home_enabled: 1mod_home_is_internal: mod_home_view_class: sfPHPmod_news_enabled: 1mod_news_is_internal: mod_news_view_class: sfPHPsf_admin_web_dir: /sf/sf_adminsf_app: sitesf_app_config_dir: /home/cfc/apps/site/configsf_app_config_dir_name: configsf_app_dir: /home/cfc/apps/sitesf_app_i18n_dir: /home/cfc/apps/site/i18nsf_app_i18n_dir_name: i18nsf_app_lib_dir: /home/cfc/apps/site/libsf_app_lib_dir_name: libsf_app_module_action_dir_name: actionssf_app_module_config_dir_name: configsf_app_module_dir: /home/cfc/apps/site/modulessf_app_module_dir_name: modulessf_app_module_i18n_dir_name: i18nsf_app_module_lib_dir_name: libsf_app_module_template_dir_name: templatessf_app_module_validate_dir_name: validatesf_app_module_view_dir_name: viewssf_app_template_dir: /home/cfc/apps/site/templatessf_app_template_dir_name: templatessf_apps_dir_name: appssf_autoloading_functions: sf_available: 1sf_base_cache_dir: /home/cfc/cache/sitesf_bin_dir: /home/cfc/batchsf_bin_dir_name: batchsf_cache: sf_cache_dir: /home/cfc/cache/site/devsf_cache_dir_name: cachesf_calendar_web_dir: /sf/calendarsf_charset: utf-8sf_check_lock: sf_check_symfony_version: sf_compressed: sf_config_cache_dir: /home/cfc/cache/site/dev/configsf_config_dir: /home/cfc/configsf_config_dir_name: configsf_data_dir: /home/cfc/datasf_data_dir_name: datasf_debug: 1sf_default_action: indexsf_default_database: cfcsf_default_module: defaultsf_doc_dir: /home/cfc/data/docsf_doc_dir_name: docsf_enabled_modules:   - default  - sfControlPanelsf_environment: devsf_error_404_action: e404sf_error_404_module: cfcsf_error_reporting: 4095sf_escaping_method: ESC_ENTITIESsf_escaping_strategy: bcsf_etag: sf_i18n: 1sf_i18n_cache: sf_i18n_cache_dir: /home/cfc/cache/site/dev/i18nsf_i18n_debug: 1sf_i18n_default_culture: fr_FRsf_i18n_source: XLIFFsf_i18n_untranslated_prefix_0: Tsf_i18n_untranslated_suffix_0: /Tsf_lib_dir: /home/cfc/libsf_lib_dir_name: libsf_log_dir: /home/cfc/logsf_log_dir_name: logsf_logging_enabled: 1sf_logging_history: 10sf_logging_level: debugsf_logging_period: 7sf_logging_purge: 1sf_logging_rotate: sf_login_action: loginsf_login_module: defaultsf_max_forwards: 5sf_model_dir_name: modelsf_model_lib_dir: /home/cfc/lib/modelsf_module_cache_dir: /home/cfc/cache/site/dev/modulessf_module_dirs:   /home/cfc/cache/site/dev/modules: 1sf_module_disabled_action: disabledsf_module_disabled_module: defaultsf_no_script_name: sf_path_info_array: SERVERsf_path_info_key: PATH_INFOsf_plugins_dir: /home/cfc/pluginssf_plugins_dir_name: pluginssf_prototype_web_dir: /sf/prototypesf_rich_text_js_dir: js/tiny_mcesf_root_cache_dir: /home/cfc/cachesf_root_dir: /home/cfcsf_routing_defaults:   sf_culture: fr_FRsf_secure_action: securesf_secure_module: defaultsf_standard_helpers:   - Partial  - Cache  - Form  - I18Nsf_strip_comments: 1sf_suffix: .sf_symfony_data_dir: /home/cfc/config/../data/symfonysf_symfony_lib_dir: /home/cfc/config/../lib/symfonysf_template_cache_dir: /home/cfc/cache/site/dev/templatesf_test: sf_test_cache_dir: /home/cfc/cache/site/dev/testsf_test_dir: /home/cfc/testsf_test_dir_name: testsf_timeout: 1800sf_timer_start: 1425778718.783sf_unavailable_action: unavailablesf_unavailable_module: defaultsf_upload_dir: /home/cfc/web/uploadssf_upload_dir_name: uploadssf_url_format: PATHsf_use_database: 1sf_use_flash: 1sf_use_process_cache: 1sf_use_security: 1sf_validation_error_class: form_errorsf_validation_error_id_prefix: error_for_sf_validation_error_prefix:  ↓ sf_validation_error_suffix:   ↓sf_web_debug: 1sf_web_debug_web_dir: /sf/sf_web_debugsf_web_dir: /home/cfc/websf_web_dir_name: web


---cookie:   symfony: uor1648md5r04gqcce66hf3hn3env: files: get: post: server:   DOCUMENT_ROOT: /home/cfc/web  GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1  HTTP_CONNECTION: close  HTTP_COOKIE: symfony=uor1648md5r04gqcce66hf3hn3;  HTTP_FROM:  HTTP_HOST:  HTTP_USER_AGENT: ia_archiver  HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR:  HTTP_X_REAL_IP:  PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin  PATH_INFO: /fr_FR/news/detail/id/222  PATH_TRANSLATED: redirect:/index.php/news/detail/id/222  PHP_SELF: /site_dev.php/fr_FR/news/detail/id/222  QUERY_STRING:   REMOTE_ADDR:  REMOTE_PORT: 33577  REQUEST_METHOD: GET  REQUEST_TIME: 1425778718  REQUEST_URI: /site_dev.php/fr_FR/news/detail/id/222  SCRIPT_FILENAME: /home/cfc/web/site_dev.php  SCRIPT_NAME: /site_dev.php  SERVER_ADDR:  SERVER_ADMIN:  SERVER_NAME:  SERVER_PORT: 80  SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.0  SERVER_SIGNATURE: |    <address>Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80</address>      SERVER_SOFTWARE: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)session:   symfony/user/sfUser/attributes:     symfony/user/sfUser/attributes:       dblang: fr  symfony/user/sfUser/authenticated:   symfony/user/sfUser/credentials:   symfony/user/sfUser/culture: fr_FR  symfony/user/sfUser/lastRequest: 1425778713


---php: 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.28os: >  Linux silver 2.6.32-40-server #87-Ubuntu  SMP Tue Mar 6 02:10:02 UTC 2012 x86_64extensions:   - Core  - date  - ereg  - libxml  - openssl  - pcre  - zlib  - bcmath  - bz2  - calendar  - ctype  - dba  - dom  - hash  - fileinfo  - filter  - ftp  - gettext  - session  - iconv  - json  - mbstring  - SPL  - apc  - posix  - Reflection  - standard  - shmop  - SimpleXML  - soap  - sockets  - exif  - sysvmsg  - sysvsem  - sysvshm  - tokenizer  - wddx  - xml  - xmlreader  - xmlwriter  - zip  - apache2handler  - Phar  - curl  - gd  - imagick  - mcrypt  - memcache  - mysql  - mysqli  - PDO  - pdo_mysql  - mhash

SQL queries

  1. SELECT AS n__id, n.published AS n__published, n.news_date AS n__news_date, n.title AS n__title, n.subtitle AS n__subtitle, n.body AS n__body, n.image AS n__image, n.ln AS n__ln, n.type AS n__type, n.linktitle AS n__linktitle, AS n__link, n.homepage AS n__homepage, n.date_from AS n__date_from, n.date_to AS n__date_to FROM news n WHERE id = ?
  2. SELECT a.album_id AS a__album_id, a.album_nom AS a__album_nom, a.album_lastprod AS a__album_lastprod, a.album_compil_cfc AS a__album_compil_cfc, a.album_producteur_id AS a__album_producteur_id, a.album_support_type AS a__album_support_type, a.album_label AS a__album_label, a.album_date_sortie AS a__album_date_sortie, a.album_introduction_fr AS a__album_introduction_fr, a.album_introduction_en AS a__album_introduction_en, a.album_description_fr AS a__album_description_fr, a.album_description_en AS a__album_description_en, a.album_cover_image AS a__album_cover_image, a.album_video_link AS a__album_video_link FROM albums a WHERE (album_compil_cfc = ? AND album_lastprod = ?) ORDER BY album_date_sortie DESC LIMIT 1
  3. SELECT AS n__id, n.published AS n__published, n.news_date AS n__news_date, n.title AS n__title, n.subtitle AS n__subtitle, n.body AS n__body, n.image AS n__image, n.ln AS n__ln, n.type AS n__type, n.linktitle AS n__linktitle, AS n__link, n.homepage AS n__homepage, n.date_from AS n__date_from, n.date_to AS n__date_to FROM news n WHERE (published = ? AND homepage = ?) ORDER BY date_from DESC LIMIT 5


type calls time (ms)
Configuration 15 2.02
Action "news/detail" 4.37
Database (Doctrine) 0.01
View "Success" for "news/detail" 12.03
Component "home/lastprod" 1.93
Partial "home/_lastprod" 0.51
Component "home/blocnews" 1.26
Partial "home/_blocnews" 2.66