#typemessage1 Contextinitialization2 Controllerinitialization3 Routingmatch route [default_symfony] "/:sf_culture/:module/:action/*"4 Requestrequest parameters array ( ‘sf_culture’ => ‘fr_FR’, ‘module’ => ‘artists’, ‘action’ => ‘index’,)5 Controllerdispatch request6 Filterexecuting filter "sfRenderingFilter"7 Filterexecuting filter "sfWebDebugFilter"8 Filterexecuting filter "langFilter"9 Filterexecuting filter "sfCommonFilter"10 Filterexecuting filter "sfFlashFilter"11 Filterexecuting filter "sfExecutionFilter"12 Doctrine QueryexecuteQuery : SELECT g.genre_musical_id AS g__genre_musical_id, g.genre_musical_nom_fr AS g__genre_musical_nom_fr, g.genre_musical_nom_en AS g__genre_musical_nom_en FROM genres_musicaux g ORDER BY genre_musical_nom_fr asc13 Doctrine QueryexecuteQuery : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.artists_id AS l__artists_id, l.country_id AS l__country_id, c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.name_fr AS c__name_fr, c.name_en AS c__name_en, c.continent_fr AS c__continent_fr FROM link_artists_country l LEFT JOIN country c ON l.country_id = c.id GROUP BY l.country_id14 Actioncall "artistsActions->executeIndex()"15 Doctrine QueryexecuteQuery : SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a.artist_id) FROM artists a16 Doctrine QueryexecuteQuery : SELECT a.artist_id AS a__artist_id, a.artist_nom AS a__artist_nom, a.artist_contact_name AS a__artist_contact_name, a.artist_lieu AS a__artist_lieu, a.atiste_tel AS a__atiste_tel, a.artist_email AS a__artist_email, a.artist_website AS a__artist_website, a.artist_website2 AS a__artist_website2, a.artist_presentation_fr AS a__artist_presentation_fr, a.artist_presentation_en AS a__artist_presentation_en, a.artist_bio_fr AS a__artist_bio_fr, a.artist_bio_en AS a__artist_bio_en, a.artist_photo AS a__artist_photo, a.artist_agent AS a__artist_agent FROM artists a ORDER BY artist_id desc LIMIT 1017 Viewinitialize view for "artists/index"18 Viewrender "sf_app_dir/modules/artists/templates/indexSuccess.php"19 PartialHelpercall "home->executeFocusartist()"20 Doctrine QueryexecuteQuery : SELECT a.artist_id AS a__artist_id, a.artist_nom AS a__artist_nom, a.artist_contact_name AS a__artist_contact_name, a.artist_lieu AS a__artist_lieu, a.atiste_tel AS a__atiste_tel, a.artist_email AS a__artist_email, a.artist_website AS a__artist_website, a.artist_website2 AS a__artist_website2, a.artist_presentation_fr AS a__artist_presentation_fr, a.artist_presentation_en AS a__artist_presentation_en, a.artist_bio_fr AS a__artist_bio_fr, a.artist_bio_en AS a__artist_bio_en, a.artist_photo AS a__artist_photo, a.artist_agent AS a__artist_agent FROM artists a ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 121 Viewinitialize view for "home/_focusartist"22 Viewrender "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_focusartist.php"23 PartialHelpercall "home->executeLastprod()"24 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT a.album_id AS a__album_id, a.album_nom AS a__album_nom, a.album_lastprod AS a__album_lastprod, a.album_compil_cfc AS a__album_compil_cfc, a.album_producteur_id AS a__album_producteur_id, a.album_support_type AS a__album_support_type, a.album_label AS a__album_label, a.album_date_sortie AS a__album_date_sortie, a.album_introduction_fr AS a__album_introduction_fr, a.album_introduction_en AS a__album_introduction_en, a.album_description_fr AS a__album_description_fr, a.album_description_en AS a__album_description_en, a.album_cover_image AS a__album_cover_image, a.album_video_link AS a__album_video_link FROM albums a WHERE (album_compil_cfc = ? AND album_lastprod = ?) ORDER BY album_date_sortie DESC LIMIT 125 Viewinitialize view for "home/_lastprod"26 Viewrender "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_lastprod.php"27 PartialHelpercall "home->executeBlocallnews()"28 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT n.id AS n__id, n.published AS n__published, n.news_date AS n__news_date, n.title AS n__title, n.subtitle AS n__subtitle, n.body AS n__body, n.image AS n__image, n.ln AS n__ln, n.type AS n__type, n.linktitle AS n__linktitle, n.link AS n__link, n.homepage AS n__homepage, n.date_from AS n__date_from, n.date_to AS n__date_to FROM news n WHERE published = ? ORDER BY date_from DESC LIMIT 1029 Viewinitialize view for "home/_blocallnews"30 Viewrender "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_blocallnews.php"31 PartialHelpercall "player->executeBlocplayer()"32 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.channel_order AS c__channel_order, c.is_published AS c__is_published, c.nom_fr AS c__nom_fr, c.nom_en AS c__nom_en FROM channels c WHERE is_published = ? ORDER BY channel_order ASC33 Viewinitialize view for "player/_blocplayer"34 Viewrender "sf_app_dir/modules/player/templates/_blocplayer.php"35 Doctrine QueryexecuteQuery : SELECT a.artist_id AS a__artist_id, a.artist_nom AS a__artist_nom, a.artist_contact_name AS a__artist_contact_name, a.artist_lieu AS a__artist_lieu, a.atiste_tel AS a__atiste_tel, a.artist_email AS a__artist_email, a.artist_website AS a__artist_website, a.artist_website2 AS a__artist_website2, a.artist_presentation_fr AS a__artist_presentation_fr, a.artist_presentation_en AS a__artist_presentation_en, a.artist_bio_fr AS a__artist_bio_fr, a.artist_bio_en AS a__artist_bio_en, a.artist_photo AS a__artist_photo, a.artist_agent AS a__artist_agent FROM artists a ORDER BY artist_id desc LIMIT 1036 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.artists_id AS l__artists_id, l.country_id AS l__country_id FROM link_artists_country l WHERE l.artists_id IN (?)37 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT id, name, name_fr, name_en, continent_fr FROM country WHERE id = ?38 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.artists_id AS l__artists_id, l.country_id AS l__country_id FROM link_artists_country l WHERE l.artists_id IN (?)39 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT id, name, name_fr, name_en, continent_fr FROM country WHERE id = ?40 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.artists_id AS l__artists_id, l.country_id AS l__country_id FROM link_artists_country l WHERE l.artists_id IN (?)41 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT id, name, name_fr, name_en, continent_fr FROM country WHERE id = ?42 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.artists_id AS l__artists_id, l.country_id AS l__country_id FROM link_artists_country l WHERE l.artists_id IN (?)43 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT id, name, name_fr, name_en, continent_fr FROM country WHERE id = ?44 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.artists_id AS l__artists_id, l.country_id AS l__country_id FROM link_artists_country l WHERE l.artists_id IN (?)45 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT id, name, name_fr, name_en, continent_fr FROM country WHERE id = ?46 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.artists_id AS l__artists_id, l.country_id AS l__country_id FROM link_artists_country l WHERE l.artists_id IN (?)47 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT id, name, name_fr, name_en, continent_fr FROM country WHERE id = ?48 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.artists_id AS l__artists_id, l.country_id AS l__country_id FROM link_artists_country l WHERE l.artists_id IN (?)49 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT id, name, name_fr, name_en, continent_fr FROM country WHERE id = ?50 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.artists_id AS l__artists_id, l.country_id AS l__country_id FROM link_artists_country l WHERE l.artists_id IN (?)51 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT id, name, name_fr, name_en, continent_fr FROM country WHERE id = ?52 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.artists_id AS l__artists_id, l.country_id AS l__country_id FROM link_artists_country l WHERE l.artists_id IN (?)53 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT id, name, name_fr, name_en, continent_fr FROM country WHERE id = ?54 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.artists_id AS l__artists_id, l.country_id AS l__country_id FROM link_artists_country l WHERE l.artists_id IN (?)55 Doctrine PrepareexecuteQuery : SELECT id, name, name_fr, name_en, continent_fr FROM country WHERE id = ?56 Viewdecorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php"57 Viewrender "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php"